Wednesday, June 1, 2011

{PhotoStory 1} Welcomes and Introductions to the Family

"Hello! I am Aurora. I am the new member to this family and I thought I would introduce you to everyone. I hope you enjoy!"
Aurora is a Lilac Bobobie Ariel. She is a 43 cm Resin BJD. She is wearing a long white wig and has brown eyes.

"First I met Gardenia. She is the eldest member of our family. She has been here for a few years now. Apparently our mother-"creator" had chosen her look to match that of her human baby. Gardenia is very out going and funny, she kept telling me about all the silly things that happened in the household. Apparently she spends many days people watching. She says it's her favorite hobby."
Gardenia is a Volks Dollfie Plus. She is a 27cm vinyl doll. She is wearing green/blue eyes and has on a long blonde wig.

"While I waited for Ilia to show up, she had to get her new dress on, I met William. Apparently William is the only boy in our family right now. He doesn't really speak much, I had to practically beg to get him to talk to me. It seems that although he looks rather young, William is actually close to my own age! He was telling me about his and Ilia's adventures since they had joined this family. He seems to have quite the soft spot for little Ilia, even if he never seems to show much expression. While we talked he also introduced me to his large black raven, Vivi. Apparently Vivi is very attached to William, always watching over him."
William is a Hujoo Wings (closed eyes).He is 26cm tall, made of ABS plastic. He has silver eyes and a short blonde wig with two longer bits tied back.

"After Ilia showed up William refused to leave. He wanted to be with her, I thought it was rather cute. Ilia told me about her life with the family so far. She was designed by our mother-"creator"'s daughter. She has a habit of copying some of the things that William does to bother our mother. Such as climbing trees. Ilia says that mother constantly tells her to get down, even using her full name Iliana. But it's usually all in fun. Ilia also told me of the little ability she possesses. She has the ability to see and communicate with spirits. I have to say that it seems like an interesting ability and I am curious. But she is such a nice girl, very talkative though, especially compared to William. I can tell the way that Ilia blushes that she like William, though I don't think he has noticed yet!"
Iliana is a Hujoo Berry. She is a 24cm ABS plastic BJD. She is wearing a short brown mohair wig, and big brown eyes.

"I also met mother's human daughter's friends. It seems that there are tons of these little ones around the house. Recently they have been coming around while mother takes our pictures. I couldn't help but invite one over to visit me. Her name is Rainbow Dash and she gleefully told me all about life as the child's pony. Though she talked so fast I really didn't get to memorize much of it."
"Well I am off to try this "Karaoke" that Gardenia has been telling me about. Apparently it's part of my welcoming party! I hope you all take care until next time!"

All dolls are owned by Melz. All clothing the dolls are wearing is hand created by Melz. Please don't still my pictures <3 thanks!

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