Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hujoo Berry - Information and Review (Picture Heavy)

Hujoo is a Korean brand of BJD.
I have also received two of them in the past month. They both came from the lovely website, The Junky Spot.
I am relatively new to this brand of doll, but I have very quickly fell in love with them. I am going to do a review of the dolls and show off some of the photos I have taken.

My Hujoo Berry is named Iliana (Ilia for short)

The Hujoo Berry. !! I do have the Factory Face-up on this doll !!

The Hujoo Berry (She is wearing her handmade necklace)

The Hujoo Berry back

  • She is made completely of ABS Plastic.
  • She is an elastic strung BJD.
  • My Hujoo Berry's color is APRICOT (though they do come in different skin tones)
  • Her Height is 24cm
  • Her Head girth is 19cm - Fitting a size 7 or 8 wig
  • She fits a size 20mm pair of eyes
  • Her Neck girth is 4cm
  • Her Chest girth is 10.5cm
  • Her shoulders are 4cm wide
  • Her Waist girth is 8cm
  • Her Hips girth is 11cm
  • She feet are size 3.5cm
My particular Hujoo Berry is wearing a short brown Glib size 7-8 wig, and a pair of brown Hujoo Animetic Eye size 20mm.

Hujoo Berry, sitting. She has Hujoo brown animetic eyes and Glib short brown wig.
She is wearing hand made shirt, skirt, and necklace.

I have not personally bought any clothing for my doll, so I am unable to really say which brand clothing fits them well. I hand make all my clothing for them at the moment.

 The Hujoo Berry has an internal "eye system" that holds the eyes in place without the use of eye putty or anything else. The eye fits nicely in the rubber holder. Then the rubber holder slides on two pegs inside the head holding the eyes in nicely. The Hujoo eyes have posts on the back which allow you to adjust to way the eyes are facing without removing them completely.
The Rubber Eye Systems (out of the head)

The eye system installed in the dolls head.

As you have seen the Hujoo Berry can sit very well, she can also pose in many other ways. Her plastic body feels very durable and it seems she is strung well enough to maintain the way I put her. I haven't actually taken her body apart to see exactly how it is strung, but I have pulled each of her joints gentle enough to get photos of her internal structure.
The elastic where it ties off behind the eyes on the posts. One goes to the left leg, and the other to the right leg from what I can tell. The arms are tied in the chest.

You can see how the knee bends in this photo. I love the fact that it bends twice nicely.

On her hip joints the two little "dashes" are what allows her legs to lock into standing pose.

Pulling on the Hujoo Berry arm you can see the two stands going from the shoulder down through the elbow.

The wrist is where the elastic actually wraps and goes back up the arm.

Looking up into the Hujoo Berry's torso. You can see the leg strings going up towards the neck, and the arm elastic going across the shoulder width.

Looking down the torso as the elastic goes into each leg.

Better view of the crossing elastic cords in the Hujoo body.

You can see all the elastic going from the neck into the head.

Another view of the elastic going down into the whole body.

Faintly you can see the notch on her chin area and the slot in her neck area. This is another locking mechanism to allow her to look up or down and keep her facing forward.

Other possible poses the Hujoo Berry holds well are...
Hujoo Berry holding pose of legs bent and one arm up. Balancing nicely in a tree.

Standing without any sort of stand or help.

Leaning to the side while half laying down. She did need some help being propped up slightly but she held the pose quite well.

Kneeling and sitting on her feet. The pose actually holds fine and looks nice.

She can hold the pose of hugging an item. (The names are because I entered this picture in a contest. Iliana {Ilia} is the Hujoo Berry, Momiji is the bunny)

Sitting up without support and holding up an item.

You can see the knee joints are doubled and they bend and hold their pose very nicely. Her arms are also holding nicely bet, while her head is actually looking up and to the left. There really wasn't anything supporting her body in this pose, it held just fine alone.

My next entry will be about the Hujoo Wings. Specifically the closed eye variation (as it is the one I own).

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